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Tonight We Feast

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(Made a couple of small edits to my previous post a few hours after I first uploaded it- fixed some typos, and I'm actually reading about two novels a week here, not half of one every week ;)


"Do not think of life as a matter of consequence. Rather, look at the vast void of the years to come and the years that are past, and recall that your hours are few."

-Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Finished up 'Critique of Pure Reason', not necessarily fully understanding it of course, and returned to the Stoics with 'The Discourses of Epictetus'. Maybe I should learn some Greek.

With the third week here almost gone, my subjective time has begun accelerating. While the first 1.5 weeks almost literally seemed to last a month, while I've settled into my routine up here the days of the second week and a half are coming and going at a faster tick.

Even when consciously trying to be mindful of every moment, every meal, every experience, and forgoing the endless consumption I used to constantly distract myself with, a truth still remains:

There are only so many hours in a day, and wasted or savored, they still pass.


Speaking of savoring, since I *think* Thanksgiving may be today, I decided to do something special for dinner tonight. The main course will be a steak, I have some corn and mashed potatoes for the sides, and I'll try to whip up some kind of gravy with what's on hand; I even have a couple of cookies I've been saving for dessert.

Not quite like Mum used to make- I do miss those big family holiday dinners. But it's a few steps above rice and sardines again :D

With that to look forward to, I've been feeling pretty happy today. Well, longer than just today, actually. And maybe 'happy' isn't quite the right word.

The last week or so I just haven't felt as "blagh" as I usually default to, which for me means I'm basically ecstatic. Maybe it's an Isolation High?

On that note, one benefit of being effectively alone in the middle of a jungle? Bouncing around the yard, badly singing along with 'Hey Mickey'.

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