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Three Weeks

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Thanksgiving Dinner

I'm second-guessing myself, and now thinking my Thanksgiving might have been celebrated early after all. Or maybe not. But, ha, oh well.

Anyway my "Thanksgiving" dinner the other day wasn't much to look at- I had limited equipment and ingredients. The steak was a bit overdone; the mashed potatoes too thick; the "gravy" analogue a poor substitute.

But after weeks of rice or beans and sardines, it might as well have been ambrosia- I polished off the plate :D

Right day or not, there's much to be thankful for.


Starting today I've been here for three weeks. Twenty-one days, (mostly) off the grid, no news or Facebook, and almost zero human interactions outside of resupply runs.

And feeling pretty good. As I said in a previous post, not as lost or anxious being untethered from my phone, the internet, and society as I thought I might have been.

I was never really very social to begin with- as an introvert, gotta say the solitude up here is pretty relaxing. My mental health still seems good, I'm still sane- at least, that's what the pink elephant in the corner keeps telling me.

About the only thing bothering me right now is my Kindle seems to be breaking down. The touchscreen goes haywire sometimes with phantom inputs. Maybe because I've used it so much this last month, or, more likely, it's the jungle humidity.

Cleaning the screen and some restarts help for a bit, but it seems to be happening more frequently. I'll eventually try a factory reset, but if that doesn't work it's probably a hardware failure, which means there's not much I can do about it out here.

Given how much I've been reading, that kind of sucks, but it's not the end of the world. There's other stuff I can do, maybe increase my guitar practice. And I can always transfer the texts to my laptop for a quick and dirty, if unwieldy, solution.

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