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First Aid

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Well, I am a monumental fuck up, heh.

There are some downsides to solitude, and it's probably at least one of the reasons single people tend to die younger.

A few days ago I got injured, and it was pretty stupid of me. Was cooking, slipped, and dropped a pot of boiling water. The splash scalded the underside of my left wrist, but my trusty Casio watch helped deflect most of the impact.

Wasn't bad enough to try and seek out medical attention, but enough to remind me how alone I am up here. I knew that already of course, but it helped to drive the lesson home. With the nearest clinic maybe a couple of hours away by foot, I wouldn't want to break a leg out here, ha.

Did what the manuals said, kept the area under cool water and all that. Damage wise, I'm pretty sure it's minor. The area was red and hurt like hell for a little bit, the nerves screaming with the phantom memory, but that only lasted a couple of hours.

It's still a bit pink in places, but there's no swelling, blisters, or any pain. Looks like the worst of it is a tiny, tiny spot that may be a little 1st-ish degree and is healing ok. So, all in all, it could have been worse.

So, to certain parties, try not to worry about me. I'll be more careful in the future. Every trip needs at least one dicey event. If this was the worse, I should be ok :D

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