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Losing My Religion

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After finishing up Epictetus I've been taking a break from philosophy to tackle the minor topic of religion. I figured it will help me understand people and the world a bit more. Finished the Quran and am working through the King James Bible now.

So much begetting.

About halfway through Genesis now, but the issues started a couple pages in- notably the anthropocentrism, and maybe more specifically, the androcentrism. History and some modern state of affairs is making much more sense :D


Anyway, in less controversial affairs I finished up my first month of mountain solitude. Been quite an experience, but of course most of the transformation is internal, and thus hard to make exciting for a blog post.

Mostly finished up an article I've been working on about the experience, framed around the "unplugging" aspect, what prompted it, and my questions about what I've missed. I'll update it a bit over the next few weeks before I publish it- probably over on Medium. Still have to try and make a buck here and there.

Also working on finishing up another article, one I've been pecking at for a couple of years now concerning some difficult subjects. It may or may not eventually see the light of day.

Aside from that, same old, same old. Exercising. Reading. Meditation. Guitar practice. Rice and sardines.

The name of the game is to just keep on keeping on.

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