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Woodchuck Chuckers

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Have been skipping my video entertainment time lately, but I did recently re-watch 'Groundhog's Day' on my lil video iPod. Probably seen it a hundred times by now but this viewing came from a novel perspective. After all, up here, for me, everyday is pretty much exactly the same. Not even much weather variation anymore, as the rainy spells have eased up.

I'm identifying more with the latter half of the movie and the themes of self-improvement and betterment, as lately my days just seem like a montage of reading and guitar practice and exercising and meditation.

Of course, only so much I can do in isolation up here. It's relatively easy to work on myself, but less so when it comes to brushing up on the ole' interpersonal skills- I can go days without seeing or even hearing anyone else. And being an introvert, I find that pretty relaxing.

Guess I'll have to settle with "knowing thyself" for now, and the rest will follow. I suppose the real test will be when I leave this place behind and get back into the thick of things.

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