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Idle Hands

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One thing I've noticed up here is how long I can space out- imagining this and that, dreaming up plans and scenarios and gadgets. I used to do that all the time, and felt that maybe my capacity for creativity had dimmed with age, but I've concluded it wasn't an internal struggle.

I'm just not being interrupted every two minutes by a notification ding, or sucked down an internet rabbit hole or into a streaming binge-fest.

It's probably why I've been getting antsy lately. Self-improvement and tech detoxing and meditation is all well and good, but I do like having a project to work on. And I've been coming up with a lot of projects.

Makes me miss my lab. I had to get rid of a lot of equipment and parts in my move, an it was nice having all the little do-dads around when inspiration struck. But it can be rebuilt with time.

And not all the ideas require a workshop. Been thinking about some other writing avenues, and VR and app development. I'm going to need to start making cash again, eventually. Stupid capitalism.

But for now, I plan, so I can hit the ground running when I get back.

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