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Tuning Out

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Another couple of novels down. At this rate I've been averaging about two books a week- don't think I've read that much since I was a teenager.

Went on a supply run to town today. Bit hectic as always, though this time I was a little more prepared. Used my English-Spanish dictionary to translate a shopping list beforehand so I wasn't just pointing at cans on the shelf, and I could expand my diet a bit. Also decided to splurge and picked up some stuff to make a decent Thanksgiving dinner later this week.


Caught a flash from the corner of my eye today, realized it was a stray beam of light reflecting off my phone. It's still turned off, sitting on the shelf where I tossed it unceremoniously upon arrival over two weeks ago. Despite being something I used to always hold and habitually look at every few minutes, I realized I haven't even thought about it in awhile.

My first thought was being surprised by my willpower since unplugging, avoiding the temptation to see what I've missed. But willpower isn't really the right word, as really, I haven't felt tempted at all.

I've quit smoking before, and on occasion the desire would flair up, and I'd find myself coming up with what I thought were pretty good reasons to excuse a little hit of nicotine now and again. That's an addiction.

I had considered myself a "news junkie", but that doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe I was just eating the dirt on my plate because it was there. Or maybe because it's what I was being fed.

I do believe it is important to be informed, though. Once this "vacation" is over, I'll be checking the news and email and texts again, but there will be some heavy modifications made to how I use the tech in my life. Still thinking on what that will be- I'll let you know, after I'm back on the grid.

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