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Need to Know Basis

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Added a couple of more pics of some of the local animals.

Finishing up the 'Meditations' and moving on to Kant's 'The Critique of Pure Reason'. Fiction-wise, I've finished 'The Princess Bride' and also 'Snow Crash', books I have re-read many times. Figured some comfortably familiar stories would help ease my transition up here.

Guess I'll start getting into some new novels, now. There's quite a bit of unread stuff on my virtual bookshelf I've been meaning to check out.

Thanksgiving is coming up. I mean, I'm pretty sure that it's the third Thursday of the month, right? Or was it the last Thursday? I'm going to go with my gut and say it's the 19th, even though that feels a little early.

Before I would just habitually pull out my phone and look it up, but one of the things I've gotten used to up here is not needing to "know" everything that crosses my mind at every moment.

Who was that guy from that one movie, the one that did the thing? What was the name of that song that show used for its theme? When is Thanksgiving this year?

Most of that fluff doesn't really concern me anymore, since it doesn't really matter for my day to day existence here. Do I need to know these things at this moment? If I celebrate Thanksgiving with an extra sardine with my rice on the wrong day, is that the end of the world?

Most of the time, the answer is no.

I've been looking for new ways to keep my body active. As the lockdowns proved, I could spend an entire day in bed just sleeping and masturbating. Up here, I should at least try and channel my restlessness into something worthwhile.

I hauled a pretty interesting book up here with me, a physical copy. I had it as a young teen- I still remember coming across it at an actual bookstore, flipping through it, and being enthralled by its contents. I ended up buying it, and it had a big influence on me growing up.

I'm not sure what happened to my original, but I found a copy on Amazon before I left. If you're curious on looking it up, it's called 'The Art of Shen Ku', by "Zeek". Kind of a bit hard to explain what it actually contains- it's fully illustrated to the point of being like a comic book, with tips on travel, survival, exercises, sailing, fighting, stretches, health...

The back of the book claims 7,704 researched subjects in its 336 pages. Just flipping through it is pretty entertaining, but it has a lot of useful info.

Anyway, I mention all this because I found a long umbrella under the bed, and the book has a section on "stick fighting", so I've added practicing that to my daily routine. Yup, jumping and dancing around in my underwear with an umbrella every morning. Fun times!

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