My Travel Blog: Through Life & Abroad

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One Week

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Week one down. Weird, my perception of time is starting to go wonky up here. Feels like it has been forever since I got here, and yesterday, depending on my current perspective.

Anyway, nature threw her own celebration to welcome me last night. First I was woken up from my nap by something slamming into the patio window. Turned out to be the cat that wanders the property. The back porch is on her patrol route and she crosses through a few times  a day.

She got lucky on this spin, as when I looked over she was munching on a small lizard. Its tail had fallen off, (the lizard's tail, not the cat's) and it was flopping around while the cat swallowed its owner in a few bites. The cat can't see me as the window is one way under most lighting conditions, so it was a fascinating display, watching it enjoy the hard-earned meal.

Nature wasn't finished yet though, as that evening, starting around 7:30pm on the dot, my room was suddenly invaded by dozens of large flying ants. They seemed to just keep appearing out of nowhere, mostly in and around my bed. It seemed they had trouble flying, and were mostly just hop-flying around on me and everything. My thinking is maybe they were newly hatched?

I've been pretty copacetic with the bugs so far, even the spiders, but last night I started going ham with the swatting. I guess it's not very Zen of me, but I'm no monk. Hard to sleep with these guys buzzing my face and all, ha.

And that was my day. Was quite the adventure.

Anyway, now that I've found my groove here I think I'm going to space out the updates a bit more. I'll try to still check in once every week or two so people still know I'm alive, but want to keep working on myself without subconsciously filtering everything through a future blog post.

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