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Another Day

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Almost a week up here. Honestly, feels almost like a month. Time has been stretching out, now that it's not being filled with mindless entertainment and such. Wonder how much of this discipline I'll be able to take back down the mountain.

The aches from my hike have begun catching up with me, so I spent some extra time doing Yoga this morning.

Daily routine is beginning to take shape. Stretching, Yoga and some isometric exercises after I wake up. Lot of reading. Then some freeform study: guitar, language or programming. More reading. Journaling. Bit of writing, either for this blog, an article, or some fiction.

I'll stretch my legs a bit with a slow stroll around the grounds before meditating by the river. Finally, I'll wrap it up by maybe taking a short nap before starting dinner.

Been getting rather proficient at stovetop rice, at least as well as I can with limited equipment.

Now that I'm starting to get a routine together I imagine life up here will begin accelerating a bit. Yesterday seemed to pass pretty quick, and today is half over already.

Lot of emotions and feelings and such bubbling to the surface recently during meditation, but that's all part of the cleansing process. Stripping away the endless distractions forces me to confront the Self- and I'm a bit of a mess :D

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