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Mission Semi-Accomplished

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Had some pretty violent dreams last night. Like, I was violent to other people. Seemed to be mostly revenge and self-defense.

I'm thinking the isolation and lack of stimulation is purging some of my lizard brain gunk from my subconscious, which is probably a good thing. Or I'm some kind of psychopath.

Anyhoo, made it into town today. And I made pretty good time, getting there and back in two hours. I had estimated maybe 3.

Not going to lie, it was a little dicey. The path was muddy and once I made it to the road, such as it was, I had to dodge the occasional motorbike.

Once in town I stuck out a bit. As mentioned I'm pretty far off the tourist track. I was covered head to toe, with mask, showing as little skin as possible and wore my daypack over my chest but still got a bit of verbal harassment.

Thems the breaks.

No one tried anything though or got too close- sometimes it's nice being tall.

At the supply shop everything was behind the counter and you had to ask for what you wanted. It was pretty busy and with the language barrier it was a little overwhelming. In the end I made out with a few bags of potato chips and a bunch of canned sardines and tuna, which will stretch my rations further.

Pretty sure I got fleeced on the price. Wasn't too bad, though; a $5 "Americana Tax" isn't the end of the world. Thems the breaks.

Lugging it all back up the mountain also wasn't too bad; I made about the same time coming down as going back up.

So, back home now. I beat the rain- it's pouring again. Probably going to shower, nap, then make a feast of rice and sardines :D

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