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Arrival, Part 1.5

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Supplemental update to my post from earlier today:

I decided to stay an extra night, at least, at this hotel in Santo Domingo. The car service I was going to use had a scheduling conflict so I need to make other arrangements.

But mentally I suppose it's good to give myself some extra time to acclimate myself to traveling again. I'm not really one to fall victim to culture shock anymore, but I do need to shift gears to going solo and my new normal.

I mean, I've been drifting for years, mostly turning my brain off while I worked and saved, stopped dating, spent a lot of my free time sedated. Now, suddenly I've quit my job and headed 3500 miles away.

Plus, my brother had been living out in SF with me as a roommate for years, and the last few weeks of crashing at Mom's house and hanging with all my siblings again brought up a lot of memories and nostalgia.

It's bringing up a lot of feelings, giving up family time for a bit while I walk my path. I guess since it's been so long since I really felt anything, those emotions are coming home to roost all at once.

Feeling sad and lonely and scared right now, but after a few good cries, this too shall pass.

They passed after I moved to SF, and after my long-term gf kicked me out. I just need some time to adjust, and to keep putting one foot in front of the other, and channel the pain into creativity :D

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