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Arrival, Part One

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This is just a short post to check in:

I have arrived in the Dominican Republic.

It's after 1am here- was a bit of an ordeal to get to my hotel as surprisingly things are pretty dead around here at night it seems.

Anyway, this is the Easy Part. I've done this dozens of times now- arrive at a new country, do the Customs dance and fill out the paperwork, and make my way to a hotel or lodging.

The hard part will come tomorrow, or later today I suppose, where I attempt to get out of the city towards a rural part of the country. I don't drive, and it's not recommended here anyway for non-locals, so I'll have to arrange transportation.

And then once I get there, it's a two hour hike through the rainforest and up a mountain to get to the cabin.

That'll be the dicey part of this adventure. Hopefully my next update will be after I get settled in there, at which point I'll need to and make my way back to the little town to update this site.

I'm sure that weekly or so hiking commute will be a blast :D

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