My Travel Blog: Through Life & Abroad

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Leaving on a Jet Plane

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Last night on Mom's couch- for now, anyway.

I went up to a clinic yesterday and got some vaccines. As I'll be fairly remote, doesn't hurt to take some health precautions, despite the high cost. $500 for a few shots!

Well, it's what I've been saving for.

So, last night here, and I ended up watching the Back to the Future trilogy with my siblings. Most of them are so much younger, despite growing up in the same house they don't remember much of my formative years, so it's been nice introducing them to some of the movie classics from my youth.

Wish I had time to show them more- these last couple of weeks have flown by.

Tomorrow: final packing, lunch with my bros, and then a night flight to the tropics. Hopefully the weather holds up. A few hurricanes have been brewing in the area.

Well, all part of the adventure I suppose. You can't plan for everything.

Assuming the things I have planned for work out, my next update should be from a few hours south-east of Miami.

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