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Go East

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What an exhausting day- Sooo sore.

My brother J flew out from Florida to rent a car and meet me in Sf for preparation for our cross country trek. My other brother B, who also lives out here in SF, is heading out with us, too.

So all of today was spent moving stuff out to the car, and emptying our joint storage unit.

Really not a lot of space in the SUV we rented. Though I've cut down a lot, still more needed to go to the curb. Had to part with some old tech and some fairly expensive clothes in the retro style I prefer, but I suppose one day I can rebuild if needed.

We celebrated our last day living in SF with a steak dinner at one of my favorite places, John's Grill, a historic steakhouse mentioned in 'The Maltese Falcon'. They had adjusted to the times, offering outdoor seating and touch free menus, but the food was good as ever.

After that I had to do head to Alameda to do some last bit of boat maintenance. Yup, still have a sailboat. I'll leave her in the care of a friend for the next few months. After my tech detox (more on that later) I'll return for the ole' girl.

Anyway, the other day I discovered a rather serious electrical problem on her that I wanted to take care of before I left, so I spent hours crawling around narrow spaces and hanging upside down in V-births manipulating thick wires and moving heavy batteries. Had to take a couple of trips to the auto store and spent a couple hundred on replacement parts, and ended up working well pass sunset- luckily I had a headlamp.

But in the end, the necessary systems rumbled to life in the dark. Very satisfactory feeling- I quite miss working with my hands trying to solve engineering problems.

So with that out of the way, I feel ok heading out for a bit.

Right now I'm spending my last night in town at a friend's place, nursing some of my scratches and bruises and aching muscles.

Early tomorrow, we set out East.

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