My Travel Blog: Through Life & Abroad

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Vegas, Baby!

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Despite never living here, I have a lot of history in this lil desert town of neon.

In my youth, this was our family Disneyland trip, as my Dad had a fondness for the tables.

I've also come here quite a few times as an adult, mostly for some low-key party purposes, and hanging out with some friends. I can't usually stand to be here for more than a couple of days but I made some good memories and collected a few mementos.

Anyway, we left Vegas this morning (I played some roulette on the way out- doubled my $10 and walked away :) and made a detour for the Grand Canyon. I don't believe anyone in our immediate family had ever been before.

Was quite the site. It was so vast, it was a little too much for my mind to process. Found myself wandering to the future, wondering if I would ever see it again. Good chance I might not, so I really tried to savor the experience and remember the details.

There was some more stuff that happened that is worth writing about, but these posts are on a bit of a delay as I write them on my laptop to upload later, and I should probably space them out anyway.


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