My Travel Blog: Through Life & Abroad

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Well, it has been over a year since I last posted here. Kind of a theme of mine, abandoning blogs. But that's life, right?

As I mentioned, I started a YouTube vlog, so that acted as my blogging outlet. I didn't post the link here, but I suppose I will now: Quiet Wanders on YouTube

Needless to say, I did it- I walked from Mexico to Canada. Sort of. I pretty much did all of the first thousand miles. Then there was about 600 miles of fire closures we skipped via uHaul. And then I ran out of money around southern Oregon and had to leave the trail for a month. And then I met up with my trail family in northern Washington to spend the last couple of weeks trekking to the Border with them.

Pardon the cliche, but it was a transformative experience, learning what I was capable of. And yup, surprisingly, I made some friends along the way, and we all got pretty close. Though we finished up last October, we still chat on occasion, and I've even visited some of them in the Bay and Denver. A lot of them have moved to Denver, so hopefully I'll be able to get up there again soonish for another reunion.

After the trail I returned to San Francisco. I had considered setting up shop in another town, but my friend let me crash on their couch for free for a couple of months while I got on my feet, and you can't beat that. I found a decent job right away, probably the best I've had so far in terms of pay and benefits, and got promoted fairly quickly.

It has been about six months now and I've got settled into my own place in Chinatown (an SRO), and just finished catching up on some debts and paying off my credit card, and finally started putting money away into savings.

So, hopefully that trend can continue- my goal is to put away a healthy chunk of my paycheck every month for the next year and a half.

I'm giving myself until late Summer 2023 to save as much as possible before I head out again on my next adventure(s). I'm really looking forward to it, of course, and have started planning the broad strokes. It will involve another major phsyical challenge, but I'll go into it more over time when it starts coming together.

As for the rest of life, I'm mostly just working on personal projects. Started putting together a mini-workshop. Built a prototype for something I hope to sell on Etsy soon. Built a desktop PC using some parts a friend donated. All in all, I'm humming along well enough.

I'll probably post some PCT Trail pictures soon to round out the ole' blog, but yeah, check out my YouTube channel :D.

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