My Travel Blog: Through Life & Abroad

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A New Year!

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Wow, that goes pretty fast!

Has it really been eight months since I updated this? Feels like yesterday. That's the problem with getting back into the grind- time vanishes very quickly.

Following up on my last post though, the plan continues. A little over halfway towards my planned departure, and II have managed to put away a good chunk into savings. Not as much as I might like, of course, but there's stil some time.

I have been spending some of my savings, but when I touch it, it's for stuff for my trip, the things I was going to buy anyway. Things like equipment, clothes, etc. I'm plannig to document the trip a lot better, and that will require some better camera hardware and knowledge on how to use it.

Even though it's still like seven months to go, starting to feel the nervous energy. So much to do before than.

In the meantime, I've been working on potential passive income streams. For instance I'm honing my camera skills by attempting to make footage good enough to put up on stock video sites. Not a great moneymaker for a novice, but it's mostly about the practice.

I'm also writing and such, trying to push a few more titles out.

On that note I've been playing around a lot with all these new AI tools that are cropping up, and it's inspired a lot of creativity. There's a lot of potential with this stuff. It's helped with my writing, giving me little nudges that prompt directions my story can take. Good little tool for helping with Writer's Block.

Anyway, it's just recently I've sat down and really started trying these tools out. We'll see where it goes!

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