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Did I Leave My Heart Here?

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I am currently back in San Francisco until later next week, while I do errands and such.

Had a doc appointment and got a 3 month refill so that's one less thing to worry about on the trail.

Tomorrow or early next week I'll go check in on my sailboat, and pick up the hiking equipment I left stowed away on board.

In the meantime I've been doing a lot of training. Everyday, early in the morning I pick a direction and start walking, spending most of the day just wandering around. SF is pretty ideal for this, with all the elevation changes. My calves have been feeling it, that's for sure. But everyday it gets a little easier.

The city is different. Over a year of covid, and you can tell the place has taken a beating. Most of my old haunts are boarded up or replaced with something new.

In Japantown, there was a photobooth place where I shared a special date. It's now empty and covered with dust, which is probably a metaphor for something.

Anyway, more errands and training to do today. Time to get moving.

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