My Travel Blog: Through Life & Abroad

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Here I Go Again

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Flying out in a few days. First stop San Francisco, to take care of some errands. I'll be there a little under a week before I head to San Diego.

From SD, it's a two hour bus ride to the middle of the desert before I start the next adventure- a thru-hike of the Pacific Crest Trail. Two thousand, six hundred and fifty miles. Five to Six months of averaging over twenty miles a day.

Will I finish? Who knows. The success rate is something like 1 in 5. I'm going to make an honest effort though, and I fully expect it to be the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.

I'm also starting a YouTube channel to document the journey, which will also be first. Not too comfortable in front of the camera, but suppose it's time I start stretching my comfort zone.

Meanwhile, going to try and enjoy these last few days with the fam and pets.

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