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candycaneAnother Trip Around the Suncandycane

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Another year, another birthday. What a trip it's been since the last one. What will the next one bring?

In the short-term, my trip to NYC is coming together. Going to safely meet up with a model for some product testing and, you know, modelling. As mentioned in my last post I'm applying my hardware skills again. Don't know what will come of it, but it's been nice making things again.

I sold off my old gaming laptop and downgraded to a cheaper and more portable Macbook Air. Forgot how much I missed MacOS compared to clunky old Windows. It's portability and smoothness has been upping my productivity, and rather than winging it like I usually do I've been organizing an actual project roadmap to keep me on task in my endeavors.

My "lab" space now is a tiny desktop affair, far cry from the big workshop I used to work out of and the scope is more limited, but it's nice having a little place to make things, and getting back into that groove of cold coffee, late nights, cranking out 3D prints, and banging my head against a wall debugging code and electronics.

Taking my lessons from the past- small venture for a niche community, self-funded, doing it for the love of the work and not chasing a profit. Probably not substainable, but it keeps me busy for now.

I'll probably eventually have to start earning money at some point- savings have been dripping away slowly but consistently. So I've also been working on writing, and even applied for a writing/editing gig, though I won't hear back about that until maybe next month. And not sure I even want it, but you know, bills to pay, and working from wherever beats being chained to a desk.

Well, back to it. Need to get the prototype presentable and working within the next week or so.

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