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Rabbit Holes

Been a little while since my last update, but I don't want to force myself to make a post if I don't have much to say. Past few weeks have been relatively quiet, personally speaking.

Not to jinx it but I'm glad the news cycle has gotten a little more boring as of late and things seemed to have slowed down a bit, at least for the time being. Not to get too political, but things getting back to Business as Usual, despite the inherent problems of Usual, is a bit of a welcome respite.

I have started finalizing some further travel plans. My February plans, which I made early last year, are unfortunately still a no-go due to COVID restrictions. I'll probably just have to eat that deposit, which thankfully wasn't too much.

Currently I'm planning on taking a hop up to New York in a few weeks to follow up on some prospects. May consider moving there someday, but in the meantime it'll be a little break from FL.

I may have an opportunity in March to get back to nature for an extended time period, but we'll have to see how things pan out over the next couple of months.

Another reason I've been lax with updates is I've been spending a lot of time on a few projects. One involves writing. I applied for an editing/writing gig with a relatively well-known millenial site. I won't know if anything comes from it until mid-February at the earliest, not holding out much hope. Especially since I'm not that qualified. And though I enjoy writing, not sure I'm ready to return to the grind yet. At least one where I'm beholden to anyone but myself.

I've done the rat race and gone where they told me and did what they told me to do. It may be a lot to ask, but I want to try and find something I actually enjoy doing. Beggars can't be choosers, of course. When I need to survive, I'll do pretty much anything, but time is short, and I'd like to do more than just survive, if I can. I'm lucky enough to have some support and savings, and even a plan C if everything comes crashing down.

So on that note, I've also reignited some of my passion for inventing. A lot of that was killed during my last startup venture, but there were a lot of lessons learned. I'm funding it on my own, and if the project pans out, I may start a little Etsy type shop. Basically a hobbyist venture. Small footprint and low overhead.

I've been working on building a prototype for the last couple of weeks, much of that taken up by the coding, which I am not the best at. But it's been fun slowly adding features, and figuring out the problems as they come.

There's a rush that comes with seeing something you built come to life, and do what it's supposed to. I forgot how much I missed that feeling.

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