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Wow, almost halfway through January already. Time really flies when you're not navel gazing in an isolated jungle cabin! Guess I should get around to removing the Xmas decorations sooner or later.

What's new? Well, starting to ease back into the (fiction) writing game. Made a few bucks over the holidays from people buying my books- probably with their newly received Amazon gift cards. Only got 6 or so erotica titles. If I can bump that up to 50 or so I may start making avocado toast money.

Just how many ways can I rewrite the same sex scenes lol?

In similar news, had a bit of unexpected cash flow. When I got back online I found that the crypto investments I had made awhile ago had grown quite well. Before the recent correction I withdrew most of my original invetment, so I have a little more walking around money. Will let the rest ride for awhile- crypto and a prayer is my retirement plan :D

That's all for now. Some February plans are coming together, but we'll see. Will update on that soon.

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