After almost two months of rice and sardines, it's been nice partaking in home cooked holiday feasts. Mom even scored us a goose! Still getting through the leftovers.
Doing good, adjusting to being back in society. Been taking it easy- spending time with family and catching up on what I missed. Got to say I was pretty accurate with how the election stuff would go down, but I guess almost anyone could have seen it coming
I'm typing this on my new xmas gift :D It's an android phone, and has helped me continue to minimalize my stuff. Sold my iPad, working on selling Apple Watch, sanitized and gave away my old airpods. Going to keep the old iphone for posterity and as a just in case backup, and am slowly working my way through learrning Android.
This will also replace my much loved old Thinkpad, as I figured out I can basically install Linux to go on this. Installed everything I need to update my site in a much lighter package. Editing this in Vim right now- haven't set up spellcheck or anything, so there will probably be errors while I figure it out.
Speaking of, also working on the messy code of the site. I mean, it will still be a mess, but working on making it a little more friendly towards more screens. This looked "ok" on my iphone, but on this phone everything was jumbled up. There's modern ways to make all this adapt to different aspect ratios and such, but, eh. This site was really made for an old CRT monitor anyway.
Anyway, guess I'll gete back to the nerdy grind, configuring my tech. Working on integrating this stuff into my life in a mindful way. Turning off all notifications, limiting my news consumption to an hour over morning coffee, after Yoga and such. Found that I'm not getting angry anymore over headlines. I'm informed, but I'm done arguing and getting upseet about it anymore. Just another day.
Haven't been on social media at all. I probably should just delete it, but I also have to face the reality of, you know, needing to promote my work to bring in some cash. Speaking of, finished up my article about my jungle experiene, and will be posting it tomorrow to Medium. I'll post the link on the next update.
Figuring out what to do next. Looks like my February plans probably won't work out with border closures. I had thought maybe it would work itself out by now, but with this new mutated virus running amok I'll have to make alternative arangements. Still thinking about it. Anyhoo, taking it easy til New Year. Stay safe, everyone!