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The Clock is Speeding Up

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Spent the last week spending time with the family.

The days were passing slowly and lazily, as we hung out at home. We do our own thing for the most part, but still chat and hang, and we've been watching a movie together most evenings.

It was my step-dad's birthday the other day so we all went out to a fancy steakhouse for an extremely filling dinner. It was nice getting dressed up- I can't even remember the last time I put on some makeup, let alone jewelry and heels and such.

I don't even have most of that stuff anymore, or at least not here. Mom let me borrow one of her lil black dresses, and I overnighted some shoes I ordered online.

So yeah, it was fleeting but fun, and delicious.

And speaking of fleeting, the second to last weekend here is now gone, so I've begun to finalize my packing and complete the dozens of little items on my prep checklist.

Ten days to go.

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