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Meanwhile, in 2020, AKA "Everyday is worse than the day before", Supreme Court Justice RBG has died.

As if this political environment needed more gasoline thrown on the fire.

Things have been getting bad this year, but I believe it's just the beginning. I don't believe we'll one day look back on this year like 9/11, not in this generation, at least. History is cyclical, and we've once again entered that downturn that happens every lifetime.

There is a difference with this cycle though- in the entire multi-thousand year history of the human race, in just the span of the last 80 years or so we've developed the technology to eradicate life on a global scale.

Quickly with nuclear fire, or the slow, suffocating death of pollutants and a massively altered climate, which seems to be the direction we're heading.

But for now, that's only a backdrop and probably the eventual endgame. In the meantime, there's plenty of opportunities for the same old repeating story of exploitations- strongmen manipulating fears and prejudices to consolidate personal power.

It happens all over the world, everyday, in the richest and poorest nations, and Americans are foolish to think it can't, or hasn't happened here.

With the highest court going conservative in these hyper-partisan times, it won't be long before cruelty becomes the law of the land, when atrocities are committed by people just following (legal) orders.

It won't be today or tomorrow- water doesn't boil over instantly. But the day will come. It already has. It always has. History, or more accurately, human behavior, is cyclical.

I'm sure some think that I'm being dramatic, but I know what a person is capable of, let alone a mob. As a kid, I had adults tell me I should kill myself. People much physically stronger have punched me in the face. And I'm one of the lucky ones, as I'm still around to tell the tale- many in my community are gone.

With "the Queers" usually being the first to go I'm glad I'm heading out, metaphorically clutching my plane ticket like a parachute at 10,000 feet. Not that the rest of the world is being spared from the darkness, or is any "safer".

But I can't control the world, only myself. The only thing I an do is keep moving as long as I can, one step at a time.

I hope others can do the same, but I know most can't.

I'm sorry. Most days I can barely save myself.

Hmm, one thing that seems different between my blog entries now and 20 years ago is these recent ones seem a lot bleaker. Is that a reflection of the world or myself? At any rate, hopefully once I'm on the move I'll find something to be optimistic about.

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