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My Path to Unplugging: Part One

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In today's fast paced, always connected world, I doubt many of the people that are currently plugged into it really sit down and consider how entagled they are in the digital web. As long as that next dopamine hit and anything you want is the tap of a shiny icon away, why would you?

But there is a dark undercurrent that convenience brings. We see it again and again, with every new hack, leak and whistleblower. Our data is being harvested and privacy degraded. Our digital footprint is being used to track where we've been, and algorithms are being created to predit where we'll end up. China already has a Social Score system, and the rest of the World isn't far behind.

And a lot of people, most people really, just don't care. Maybe not you, specifically, but enough to make data mining a viable multi-billion dollar industry.

Can anything really be done to stop or undo this?

Maybe. What? No idea. I'm not a rebel leader, or even much of an activist.

I don't know about the World or Humanity at large, but personally, I've started taking steps to unplug myself from this machine. It's not easy, or even possible for everyone. I've mostly drifted through life without much attachment, and in return the World isn't very attached to me.

I've never attended college, owned or driven a car, bought a house or had a family.

But when I sat down to catalogue my entaglements I realized that I was still deeply tied up in the web. Every internet search and digital subscription, every social media platform and app I joined or downloaded in the past ten years- all silently watching and harvesting.

What to do?

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